Would you prefer to have more of what you want, or less of what you need? More time to spend with family and friends and  less time with those who really don’t care about you More time to give someone encouraging words and less time to break them down and judge them for who they […]

So are we seeing our last days The revelations that marks the end to our existence The end or our era of suffering The end to all the hurt heartaches and pain The end to all hunger and homelessness The last days for giving up Are our better days ahead of our own existence as […]

As I sit here thinking about where I came from, how I began, how I was created, where I’m going and where I’ll end up in life, I’m thinking I haves lived a good God fearing life, although sometimes life throws you a curve ball that you have to swing at regardless. Thinking about all […]

What’s your Next move?? No one really knows your Next move, Do you even know your Next move? You can plan your next move but it can be altered by somethings that’s not even relevant to your life or your world. We should all try and make the Next move the Best move that could […]

When you look through my eyes’ you see that I’m not me You see that my eyes has an emptiness that shows no mercy You see that my vision appears to be blurry As my chest expands in and out more rapidly than automatic weapon fire But my eyes still haven’t caught up to what’s […]

Why do we tend to not look at the other side of the street to see those whose struggles are no different than the struggles in me Why do we leave our family and friends out of the picture only to show them that you are hurting only on the inside of the picture Why […]

As we get older death is something that we realize we can’t run from No matter how unexpected the circumstance, there’s still another  death waiting for us to not truly understand Why is it that some always stay when the angel of death tend to come to your doorstep to greet you with open arms […]